Servus, We turn your ideas into your individual web presence

We are the Tech Team

"Tag Team" is a term from wrestling and describes there a team of mostly two members. Wrestling - if any, we operate with programming errors. Teamwork - yes, of course! In more than 10 years of experience with digital products we could already implement websites and applications of all kinds. Especially the joint development of sustainable solutions is not only the most fun, but also leads to the best results! And that's how our company, Tech Team Munich, came into being one fine evening on the banks of the Isar.

Male person, with folded arms, looking friendly to camera

Thomas MayArchitect - Coach - All-rounder

Thomas is a classic autodidact who discovered programming for himself after his first experiences in the online marketing industry. Since then, he has not only been on the road as a software developer, solution architect and team lead, but also shares his knowledge with other techies as an expert coach. In doing so, he always stays up-to-date through podcasts, newsletters, tweets and technical books. With Thomas, no problem remains unsolved, no trend undiscovered and no AI unasked.

Female person, hands on hips, looking friendly at camera

Laura BschorDirndl - Data - Think

Laura wrote her very first website at the age of 11 and hasn't been able to get away from the digital world since: after her first steps in the content area, she quickly took off as a frontend engineer. Now add some backend, databases and infrastructure and you get the Laura of today: a thoroughbred fullstack developer, always on the hunt for the perfect stack.


Just like in the real world, every job is individual and entirely dependent on what you need, already have or even already know. Our goal for you: Away from the modular one-size-fits-all to an individual internet presence. No matter if you are new to the online world or already a power user, we develop together with you the right solutions to create your personal website.


You are still unsure about the right approach, how your page should look and what content is important? No problem! Together we develop a suitable structure as well as chic designs and help your users to find what they are looking for. Our experience and proven methods help us.


The starting signal for the development is provided by the concept or the finished design. With experience, heart and mind we find the perfect combination of modern and established solutions for you. Including accessibility, individuality, consistency and of course professionalism. What else is needed, we'll see.


You want to know what's going on under the hood of your site and want to maintain it on your own? We show you how. In addition to training for the content management system, we also give you tips on the design and preparation of content. Or we show you how your site can be found even better on Google.


Astro, React or rather without a framework? With the many different technologies in the web environment today, you are often spoiled for choice. Through our many years of varied agency experience, we have already worked with the most diverse setups and help you to select suitable tools, use them successfully and find the right software architecture for your project. To keep up with the often fast-moving changes in the industry, we also help you analyze and optimize your existing applications, e.g. with the help of code reviews or performance audits.

Some Of Our Clients

  • hansgrohe

    We were allowed to participate in a total of four website projects for the sanitary products manufacturer. In agile teams we worked both in the implementation and in the role of frontend tech lead. The technologies used included Vue.js and SAP Commerce.

  • SLAM

    For the asset management company of Swiss Life we developed a design system based on Tailwind CSS, React and Figma. With the resulting modules, four websites have already been released. With Contentful as a headless CMS, the content of the pages can be maintained by the editors of the client.

  • kuka

    We managed the relaunch of the brand website for the Augsburg-based mechanical engineering company. The Tech Team has been providing technical maintenance support since 2022 and advises on updating the frontend toolchain, based on a Sitecore CMS solution.

  • Siemens

    The "Analytics Unlocked" project dealt with the implementation of a data-based dashboard for the rapid analysis of campaign activities. Here we were involved as frontend lead, in development and architecture. Among other things, Java / Spring, React and Material UI were used.

  • Producer of Hearing Aids

    For a corporation in the field of hearing aids, we developed a brand-independent and modular design system for use on various platforms. In close cooperation with the customer we worked on the development, the architecture as well as the frontend lead.

Two skiers with a t-shirt saying ""

Teamwork in the same room

We founded our company because we like to code together and this is confirmed with every hour we work together for customers: Because programming is more creative and communicative than many think. Together and on site we develop solutions, come up with new ideas and have fun with our job. Maybe soon for your website, too!


Curious, still questions open or already convinced? Then we look forward to hearing from you by carrier pigeon, pony express or simply by e-mail:

Logo Tech Team München

Bschor & May GbR
Wöhlerstr. 29
81247 Munich